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About Us » Student Mission

Student Mission

Bulldog Pledge: 


In the 2024-2025 school year, I ______________________ pledge to live out our school-wide mission statement and work hard to build character traits consistent with Portrait of a Baron.  I understand that I could miss some opportunities this school year if I choose otherwise.  I also understand that each day is a new day and I have the opportunity to begin with a fresh start.


Student Mission Statement:


I am a valuable member of the McKenney-Harrison family. Today, I choose to do my personal best and to be kind to myself and others.


Kindness Expectations:


  • We choose to be kind to others.
  • When we know someone is being treated unkindly, we will tell a trusted adult.
  • We will help others who are treated in any unkind way.
  • We will try to include others who are left out.



Portrait of a Baron Attributes:




Critical Thinking


